Homes Within Reach Conference Scholarships Opportunities are NOW Available! |
Dear Friend,
Applications are now open for scholarships for this year's Homes Within Reach conference taking place December 6th-8th at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, PA.
PA Department of Community and Economic Development Scholarship
The PA Department of Community and Economic Development will provide 20 scholarships to cover the full cost of registration for attendees working for organizations and agencies that serve the PA CoC Balance of State counties working to prevent and end homelessness.
The Balance of State covers 53 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties. This includes 33 counties that are part of the Eastern PA CoC and 20 counties in the Western PA CoC. Click here to see the counties included.
Person with Lived Experience Scholarship Opportunity
The Housing Alliance will be providing a second scholarship opportunity to people with lived experience with housing instability and/or homelessness, including those who do or have lived in subsidized housing.
The deadline for consideration is Friday, October 6th, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Special Solving Homelessness Session Highlights:
Coordinated Street Outreach: Bridging the Gaps in your Homeless Response System
You Can't Make Me: Why Voluntary Services Does Work
Let's See What the Judge Has to Say: Partnering with the Courts
Shared Housing as a Missing Middle Solution for Your Community
Visit our Homes Within Reach conference website for complete conference program information as it becomes available and to learn more.
Please feel free to call the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania at 215-576-7044 or email info@housingalliance.pa.org if you have any questions.